Pre-Trip Declaration of Health and Exposure to COVID-19

Sawback Alpine Adventures takes the safety of our guests and employees and the prevention of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic very seriously.

  • Please ensure you have read through our Covid-19 Response info page.
  • Please take a Covid test before you travel to our trip start location.
  • You are required to make the following attestations within 24 hours of starting your trip with Sawback Alpine Adventures. Answering “Yes” to one or more of these attestations may disqualify you from participation

    Section 1: Guest information

    Section 2: Symptom reporting
    The questions below should be answered by individuals who are taking part in activities with Sawback Alpine Adventures.

    If you answer "yes" to any of the questions below you must immediately isolate to your vehicle if one is available. If this is not possible, you must isolate outdoors away from all other persons, activities, and infrastructure. Please return home and use the AHS Online Assessment Tool (Alberta) or BC COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool to determine if testing is recommended.

    2.1 Do you currently have any of the following symptoms:

    • Fever (temp 38.0°C or above)

    • Cough

    • Shortness of breath / Difficulty breathing

    • Sore throat

    • Chills

    • Painful swallowing

    • Runny nose / Nasal congestion

    • Feeling unwell / Fatigued

    • Nausea / Vomiting / Diarrhea

    • Unexplained loss of appetite

    • Loss of sense of taste or smell

    • Muscle / Joint aches

    • Headache

    • Conjunctivitis (pink eye)


    Section 3: Exposure reporting
    If you answer "yes" to any of the questions below, you cannot participate in activities. Please return home and use the AHS Online Assessment Tool (Alberta) or BC COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool to determine if testing is recommended.

    3.1 To the best of your knowledge, are you a "close contact" with someone who has the novel coronavirus COVID-19 (or any variant) within the past 14 days? *

    * A health care worker in an occupational setting wearing the recommended PPE is not considered a “close contact”

    3.2 To the best of your knowledge is there any possibility that you may be sick with the novel coronavirus COVID-19 (or any variant), or are you currently being investigated as a suspected case of COVID-19 (or variant)?

    3.3 Have you been directed by any health authority (e.g. AHS) to currently self-isolate or quarantine?

    By signing below I confirm my understanding that I may be refused participation in or be asked to leave this trip if any of the above attestations are found to be incorrect or if the status of those attestations changes between the time of signing of this form and any time before the end of the trip/course.

    Sign with your digital signature (type your name):