Public Real-time Weather Dataloggers: AB and BC
For more mountain resources check out my Resources page! And please contact me if you think I’m missing anything.
Graphical interfaces
Parks Canada Weather Stations – Real time as well as historical weather station data. A great resource and laid out in convenient tables.
BC Snow Stations Interactive Map – Real-time weather data from the BC Snow Survey! “Snow survey data is collected from manual and electronic environmental monitoring sites across the province. Scientific data plays a major role in flood forecasting and determining snow pack, water levels and stream flow conditions.”
The Aquarius Time-Series database “is the province’s primary repository of continuous surface, groundwater and snow data from monitoring stations across the province”.
AB Weather Stations Interactive Map – hundreds of weather stations, many of them in mountain zones. The “Alberta Climate Information Service (ACIS), an interactive tool that helps producers, farm consultants, and researchers [Ed: to say nothing of mountain enthusiasts] to see Alberta weather forecasts, browse over 10000 maps of Alberta weather and Alberta climate related information, and access near real time station data from over 350 meteorological stations operating in the province of Alberta. The maps and weather data describe Alberta’s weather, climate and related agriculture features to help with your long-term planning and decision-making throughout the growing season.”
University of Saskatoon – a number of weather stations in surprising, useful locations
Avalanche Canada – has a bunch of useful weather stations integrated with their avalanche forecast & MIN map
ARFI – One-stop Weather Data Shopping! Wow. “Arfi is a collection of avalanche forecasting resources, tools, and research models collected into one map-based program. It is designed to help private and public avalanche forecasters, guides, and recreationalists. Arfi was developed by the Applied Snow and Avalanche Research Group (ASARC) at the University of Calgary in Calgary”.
University of Saskatoon
Here is U Sask’s collection followed by a list in alphabetical order of a bunch of other public weather stations.
Misc BC & Alberta Wx data loggers in alphabetical order
- 3 Valley Remote
- Abbott
- Allison Pass
- Apex Roadside
- Aster Lake
- Asulkan
- Bella Coola
- Bella Coola Precip
- Black Wall
- Blowdown Mid
- Blowdown Peak
- Blueberry
- Bluenose
- Bosworth Lower
- Bosworth Upper
- Boulder Creek
- Bow Summit
- Brandywine
- Burstall Pass
- Caribou Ridge
- Carl’S Corner
- Cayoosh Summit
- Clanwilliam
- Cn Overlander
- Coffee Creek
- Coquihalla Summit
- Corbin Pass High
- Corbin Pass Low
- Core Lodge
- Crags Ridge
- Dardanelle
- Dease Lake Raws
- Deeks Peak
- Disraeli
- Endgoal
- Fidelity
- Fish Lake
- Foundation Mines
- Fountain Slide
- Fraser Camp
- Fred Laing Lower
- Fred Laing Ridge
- Galena Pass
- Gamma
- Gamma High
- Gold Bridge
- Great Bear
- Haines Pass
- Hankin-Evelyn
- Heather Hill
- Heckman Pass
- Hermit
- Highwood Pass
- Hungry Hill
- Iknouk
- Iknouk Road
- Jade City
- Jade City Wind Site
- Kakwa
- Kasiks High
- Kasiks Low
- Kettle Hole
- Kicking Horse
- Kootenay Pass
- Lardeau
- Lardeau High
- Laurie
- Link Creek
- Little Bear
- Little Dragon
- Little Dragon Snow
- London Ridge Low
- MacDonald W Shld
- Mica
- Morrissey
- Mt. Strachan
- Mt. Strachan Precip
- Mud Lake
- Parker Ridge Upper
- Paulson Summit
- Renshaw
- Revision
- Rockfall
- Rogers Pass
- Rosswood
- Round Hill
- Salvus
- Salvus Wind Site
- Shames
- Simpson Lower
- Simpson Upper
- Sliding Mountain
- Sliding Mountain Precip
- Snowbank Mid
- Snowbank Road
- Southridge
- Squilax
- Stagleap
- Stanley
- Stewart
- Strawberry Pass
- Summit Creek
- Summit Sluff Wind
- Tantalus
- Telegraph
- Telkwa
- Toby Creek
- Tsitika Summit
- Vulture Peak
- Whymper
- Windy Point Lower
- Windy Point Lower Snow
- Windy Point Lower Snow
- Windy Point Upper